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Functions and Features

Software Porting Assessment
Analyzes software packages (but not source packages) and installed software, and provides porting assessment reports.
Software Porting Assessment
Source Code Porting
Analyzes source files in C/C++/ASM/Fortran/interpreted languages and assembly files, identifies the code to be ported, and provides porting suggestions. It also supports source code editing and one-click code replacement.
Source Code Porting
Software Package Rebuild
Analyzes the composition of the software package to be ported, rebuilds a software package to fit into the Kunpeng platform, or directly provides a software package that is immediately available.
Software Package Rebuild
Dedicated Software Porting
Modifies the source code of some common solutions on the Kunpeng platform, compiles the code, and generates software packages compatible with the Kunpeng platform.
Dedicated Software Porting
Affinity Analyzer
Analyzes the Kunpeng architecture affinity for ported software, enabling ported software to run more efficiently on Kunpeng. This tool provides eight enhanced capabilities: 64-bit running mode check, byte alignment check, matricization check, structure variable cacheline alignment, memory consistency check, build affinity check, calculation precision analysis, and SVE vectorization.
Affinity Analyzer

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