- 使用PuTTY工具,以root用户登录服务器。
- 执行以下命令解压安装包。
tar -zxvf 104.3.tar.gz
- 执行以下命令进入解压后的目录。
cd ensembl-vep-release-104.3
- 安装并使用cpanm工具下载依赖包。
yum install -y perl perl-App-cpanminus.noarch perl-core perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Try-Tiny.noarch cpanm Archive::Zip cpanm DBI cpanm Bio::Root::Version cpanm Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix cpanm HTTP::Tiny
- 执行以下命令进行编译安装。
Do you want to install any cache files (y/n)? n Skipping cache installation The VEP can use FASTA files to retrieve sequence data for HGVS notations and reference sequence checks. FASTA files will be stored in /root/.vep Do you want to install any FASTA files (y/n)? n Skipping FASTA installation - Exiting The VEP can use plugins to add functionality and data. Plugins will be installed in /root/.vep/Plugins Do you want to install any plugins (y/n)? n Skipping plugin installation
- (可选)下载缓存文件。
cd /root/.vep wget http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-104/variation/indexed_vep_cache/homo_sapiens_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz --no-check-certificate tar xvf homo_sapiens_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz